We use Advanced Extra Fees for WooCommerce plugin plugin to add extra fee option.
Follow the Following Steps:
1. Install and Activate the Plugin:
- Download the Advanced Extra Fees for WooCommerce plugin from the WooCommerce marketplace or your WordPress dashboard.
- Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
2. Access the plugin setting:
Go to WooCommerce setting > click on setting > click on advance extra fee3. Extra Fee Set Up:
- Go to WooCommerce setting > click on setting > click on advance extra fee > click on add new fee
- Now add a name for your fee like “PayPal Domestic Payment Gateway Fee”
- Set Fee Type and Value
Add Conditional Fee Rules
- Add condition based on Country and add country value with logic “equal to”
- Add another rule for payment gateway and select your preferred payment option
4. Save and Publish the Fee:
- After adding all conditions, click on the Publish button to save your settings.
- Test your configuration by going to a checkout from different countries to ensure that fees are applied correctly.